Methodology created by MESbook to ensure the success of Industrial Projects Digitization processes

Industry 4.0

Challenges faced in a Digital Transformation Project

The challenge that we face in a Digital Transformation project is fundamentally to improve the P&L account P&L of our clients, generating savings through operational efficiency and technology.

At MESbook we are clear that the Key to Success for Industrial Digital Transformation is Industrial Project Management, and to achieve this, we apply our DMS methodology within the framework of Industry 4.0 to address each of the digitization projects, facing the complexity of industrial environments and ensuring success for each client.

What is the Digital Manufacturing System (DMS)?

Digital Manufacturing System (DMS) is the metodology created by MESbook to successfully digitize a company's manufacturing process.

This methodology consists of converting a huge and difficult-to-implement project into small, manageable projects structured under specific objectives, with departmental managers and dates that ensure tangible results.

Phases of MESbook DMS Methodology

In this phase, an initial scenario of the company's status (AS IS) and a proposed final scenario (TO BE) are proposed..

AS IS: Cow is working the LEGACY today (particularly machines, systems y processes).

TO BE: How we are going to do those tasks digitally. This applies especially to especially to processes:

  • Usability
  • Initial mapping
  • Making decision making more efficient
  • Standardize the process

Approximate duration of two months.


Diagnosis and Definition


MES System Implementation and Configuration

During this phase the connection to existing machines and systems and the installation of the software is performed MESbook software.

  • We install software and hardware.
  • We connect it to machines and existing legacy systems (ERP, Fichadas, etc.).
  • We set up the new work platform according to the TO BE.
  • Complete validation.

Approximate duration of one month.

The aim of this phase is to achieve validation of the implemented solution through R@R processes . (Run@Rate) where, together with the customer, all the functionalities are validated throughout the scope of the project.

As well as user training at all organizational layers: general (super-users) and detailed (key-users).

Depending on the competences and responsibilities of the users, since each one requires a different training and a different way of interacting with the system:

  • Managers
  • Middle management
  • Supervisors
  • Operators

Approximate duration of one month.


Start-up and Team Building


Data Validation and Robustness

In this phase we carry out what we call in MESbook the "1,000 laps of the circuit". "1,000 laps of the circuit".

Our Customer Success Management (CSM) team, LEAN specialistsOur Customer Success Management (CSM) team plays a key role. In this process each customer is assigned a Key Account Account Manager. In addition, a new functional approach is implemented with the customer oriented to business objectives.

Approximate duration of two months.

During this phase, Quickwins and improvement projects are implemented. These are:

  • Remove paper.
  • Maximize the reliability of the quality system from real-time results validation, alerts, messaging and digital analysis and management.
  • Update production and productivity standards based onactual measurements obtained. Asymptotic value: which is the average of the results obtained in a universe as wide as determined .
  • Incorporation of this data to the dynamics of performance review.
  •  Speed project, maintenance simple.

Approximate duration of one month.


Implementation of Improvement Projects


Real Time Management

In this last phase, maintenance, updates/improvements and periodic follow-up are performed by the Key Account Manager (KAM) for life.

In addition, a follow-up is carried out to influence the operation of all the implemented functionalities and communication with the KAM is strengthened for the incorporation of improvements to the product or increase of new new higher level functionalities.

Why contract an MES System implemented with the DMS DMS methodology in the Industry

Interested in learning more about our methodology?

Contact us and we will tell you how we can help you.

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