How to implement an MES system in a factory:
everything you need to know

You already know what an MES system is, but how do you implement the MES system in a factory? Doing it consists almost in a strategy or methodology of different steps that will take into account different aspects and characteristics of your factory and its evolution until today.

The MES system guarantees a correct management, organization and productivity in your factory and the sooner you implement it, the sooner you will see the best results.

For this, the implementation process must be cautious and properly managed. Before you start integrating it you should consider a few points.


How to implement an MES system in a manufacturing plant

To implement an MES system in a factory you must start by defining your needs, future needs, list of functionalities and finally by having a better knowledge of the company behind the MES system and the particularities that such software may have.

In other words, you need a more precise knowledge of what the implementation will be like and what advantages you will be able to obtain in the medium and long term. Trying to reverse it when you have already taken some steps in the implementation can be complex.

These are the steps you must follow:

  • Define your current needs: this is the most important step and you have probably already taken it before deciding on an MES system. However, it is a good idea to review and define well the real needs of the factory. This is a process that is usually done by the manager and/or plant manager. Although, of course, it is crucial to collect the opinions of the operators to make a complete list.
  • Define your medium- and long-term needs: Secondly, it is not only important to consider future needs, but also to understand what kind of fruit needs we will have with the MES system already in place in the factory. In other words, it is crucial to understand the margin of evolution that this system gives us and how it will allow us to integrate new technologies in the future.
  • Make a list of functions: keep in mind that the MES system you implement must meet your functionality requirements. That is, generate a list or table with the functions you need for your factory and check that you can integrate them correctly. You could even use a point system to understand how well it meets your requirements.

Also, remember to be patient, because the implementation of an MES system, which is the digitization of the factory, is a necessary process, but it can also be complex and slower than expected. Therefore, it is necessary to have a tool that has an implementation methodology, assigning deadlines and responsible for each task to have a global vision of the implementation and its progress.

Therefore, once you have decided on the best MES system based on your current, long-term needs and functions, you should proceed with the implementation.

First, a detailed analysis of all the above but by the different employees and managers of the factory.

Then comes the preparation of the employees. For example, through an informative and effective campaign where the advantages are first made known, and then how it works, its possibilities, and essentially the advantages it will bring to each job.

Subsequently, training should be provided to better understand the MES system and learn how to work with it. Once implemented, employees will be able to improve their effectiveness and productivity.

And of course, all decisions made regarding how the MES system should be implemented in the factory should be consulted with the employees to increase their participation in the change process. The more stakeholders involved, the fewer errors or contradictions there will be in the future. 

It is also important to match all available technical infrastructure to the MES system. For example, it is best if the server is located on-premises or in the cloud .

This system, in addition to the server, also requires a local network or LAN for the exchange of information between the different stations and databases.

Fixed or mobile terminals, such as tablets, should also be included.

Implementation of MOM system with warranty

MES and MOM tools are agile and suitable for any sector. In MESbook we ensure an implementation in your industry with the best guarantees and we offer a more advanced system than our competitors.

The solutions offered by these systems can be grouped into two different blocks:

  • Standard solutions: They are very scalable solutions and this is their main advantage. Also, they are comfortable and easy to handle, have a wide variety of integrators that offer greater flexibility and security. They are the most robust solutions.
  • Solutions with specific development: these are "proprietary" solutions, which are adjusted to specific sectors and processes, and therefore may be the best option for very specific industries. However, they do not offer global solutions.

How to choose a MES System company

Now you know how to implement the MES system in your factory, but... how to choose a company for the MES system? In this case it is convenient to remember the previous points about the aspects to take into account before the implementation.

Well, these same points, which are to define your current needs in the medium and long term and the functionalities you need, can help you to choose the best company.

To do so, you will only need to create a table and a point system. For example, each company or MES system software will have a point from 1 to 5 for each functionality you need.

That way, at the end you can add up the points and you will have several winners. The next step is to get in touch and ask the questions you need, for example about budget or estimated time and you will get a winner.

In MESbook we have a special MES System software for factories capable of adapting to all sectors, internal structures and technologies. It is versatile and requires different levels of evolution so that you can choose only the one that meets your needs and functionalities.

Many years of experience have shown us that it is the most effective way to improve factory management, growth and productivity. In a short time you will be able to increase your profit margin and also, implementing it is much easier than other MES systems. Contact us without obligation.

Marta Cejudo

Product Manager at MESbook

Marta Cejudo

Industrial organization engineer with 4 years of experience in real-time factory management as KAM.

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