MOM system: What it is and differences with MES

What is the MOM system and how does it differ from the MES system? The truth is that many industry and Industry 4.0 professionals have a misconception about these terms. Some have the idea that both refer to the same processes and operations. Others confuse one with the other and some believe that MOM is part of the MES system.

The truth is that MES and MOM systems share common objectives and forms of operation, but there is a difference that separates them. MES emerges from MOM as a system that seeks the same benefits from a more global and unitary perspective of the different elements.

What is the MOM system?

To understand what the MOM system is, we must start with the acronym, which stands for Manufacturing Operations Management. What in English can be understood as manufacturing operations management.

It consists of a comprehensive management system that offers an extended and generic view of all the manufacturing processes of a company. That is its main strength and differentiating agent, which is capable of constantly improving performance at the "macro" level.

Of course, the system integrates all the company's production plants, and operations of all kinds. For example, maintenance operations on a global level or the functioning of raw material logistics, and all these actions are based on common KPIs for a correct functioning.

Therefore, in order to define what the MOM system is, it is necessary to understand the difference with MES, since this global operation is the main separation between the two.

We could understand the MOM model as a particular evolution of MES. That is to say, an advance in the global aspect, leaving the rest of tasks, actions and operations similar. Although there is one more point, and it is focused on the ISA-95 level functionality.

Difference between MES system and MOM system

The MES system and MOM in Industry 4.0 have many similarities and it could be said that they are born from the same idea and have the same objectives in common: streamline tasks, improve productivity, reduce costs, promote the execution of actions, eliminate errors, predict results in order to anticipate them, and so on.

Their acronyms and the particular definition of each one of them is a key starting point to distinguish them. MES stands for Manufacturing Execution System, which could be understood as a system for the execution and control of all types of production. Its main point of interest is the correct connection between the different productive agents of the industry in order to achieve a higher performance.

Likewise, the MES system "connects the factory" and thanks to this, a better management is performed in real time, and more details and information are obtained, with the positive consequences that this entails. In this post about what is the mes system you can get more information.

In principle, the MOM system offers the same opportunities, but with an improvement system. Therefore, MOM is born from MES and not the other way around. This improvement consists of adding a "global" control and not a particular or biased one. In this way, changes, revisions and controls are made based on common and more accurate KPIs that help in the performance of manufacturing operations.

In short, to answer what the MOM system is: it is a further step in the MES software for Industry 4.0, although it does not replace it, but rather contributes to its improvement.

But how can we recognize each of them, and how can we know which one to implement in our factory?

  • The MOM system is one that is used to cover the ISA-95 level 3 architecture and functionality. This therefore includes variations on the ISA-95 model and possibly a wide variety of changes, as soon as the Industrial Internet of Things(IIoT) has been fully integrated.
  • The MES system: this is more difficult to define based on its operations and capabilities, as it can be implemented in many different ways. Therefore, it is applicable to products and operations other than MOM.

Both MES and MOM systems in Industry 4.0 have a leading and crucial role for any factory looking to improve productivity, evolve and integrate IIoT.

The two models are key to the present and future of the industry.

The two systems of control, management and execution of the operations and agents of a factory are key to the advancement of the industry.

The MES system will execute with full control all the operations of the main levels of a factory or industry 4.0 For example:

  • Level 0: Production processes.
  • Level 1: Sensors and actors.
  • Level 2: Automated process control.

Beyond level 2, the MOM system comes into play. Therefore, we can say that a factory present at all these levels uses both systems. That is to say, at level 3, MOM, Manufacturing Operations Management, comes into play, followed by the commercial and logistics plan.

In Mesbook we have been implementing both systems to our clients for years, so now that you know the applications of the MOM system and its differences with MES you can see the importance of implementing them in your company. Contact us without obligation.

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